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Lisa Duxbury Empower Leadership Coaching

Coaching Packages

How would it feel to have time devoted to and focused on you, your agenda,

and your personal learning journey?

Energy Coaching

This package is for individuals or school leaders who have goals, challenges, and thinking they want to process with a coach. This model relies on the leader to bring topics which are important to him/her; the coaching agenda is created around your priorities!


This package includes:


  • An Energy Leadership Index (ELI) - an assessment of energy that reports how energy plays out for an individual on an average day, as well as under stress.


  • An hour-long debrief of the Energy Leadership Index (ELI).


  • Eight (8) individual-focused 45 minute-long coaching sessions based on topics of the client’s choice, to be used over a period of four (4) months.

Dynamic Leadership Coaching

This package will best fit school leaders who are invested in a deeper level of self-development. This package includes a self-paced, transformational, mastery-orientated curriculum focused on the seven levels of energy and the advantages and disadvantages each level brings to you. It also creates awareness around energy drainers and energy boosters, with an intentional focus on leadership.


This package includes:


  • An Energy Leadership Index (ELI) - an assessment of energy that reports how energy plays out for an individual on an average day, as well as under stress.


  • An hour-long debrief of the Energy Leadership Index (ELI).


  • The COR.E Dynamics Leadership Workbooks


  • Ten (10) sessions of coaching:

    • individual-focused 45 minute-long coaching sessions based on topics of the client’s choice, which may include the topics of the leadership development curriculum, to be used over a period of ten (10) months.



Energy Leadership Option for your Team (ELI 360):  


If you have a team committed to one of these personal development journeys, you have the option to request an ELI 360. ELI 360 is the energy assessment described above, but it also involves a group of your colleagues rating you on how they see your energy and communication playing out in your building. Your individual debrief includes the results of the rating and your energy profile, providing the opportunity for you to consider how your team sees you, in addition to learning how your energy is serving (or not serving) you and your collaborative efforts!



Energy Coaching for Teens

This package will best fit teenagers who are ready to be coached! It’s a perfect fit for two types of teens:

Those who are ready to get a handle on who they are, eliminate living with fear/doubt, and obtain clarity on what they want and/or who they want to become.


Those who have goals, challenges, and thinking they want to process within a coaching partnership; this package relies on teens to bring their own topics that are important to him/her...whether they are struggling with life or striving. The agenda is created around the teen’s priorities!


This package includes:

  • An Energy Leadership Index (ELI)--an assessment of energy that reports how energy is working for (and maybe even against) you on a day-to-day basis, and when you are under stress.

  • An hour-long debrief of the Energy Leadership Index (ELI).

  • A 20 minute onboarding call to prepare the teen for taking the ELI, and to provide the opportunity for us to meet prior to the launch of the coaching relationship.

  • Eight (8) individual-focused 45 minute-long coaching sessions based on topics of the teen’s choice, to be used over a period of four (4) months.

Dynamic Leadership Coaching for Teens

This package will best fit teenagers who are open to learning at a deeper level and are interested in developing their leadership potential; it’s also a good fit for teens who have an interest in fostering personal growth around the self-development topics listed below.


This package includes:

  • An Energy Leadership Index (ELI)--an assessment of energy that reports how energy is working for (and maybe even against) you on a day-to-day basis, and when you are under stress.


  • An hour-long debrief of the Energy Leadership Index (ELI).


  • A 20 minute onboarding call to prepare the teen for taking the ELI, and to provide the opportunity for us to meet prior to the launch of the coaching relationship.


  • Eight (8) sessions of coaching:

    • One (1) session to plan for the coaching partnership.

    • One (1) sessions to lay the foundation of the seven levels of leadership.

    • Six (6) individual-focused 45 minute-long coaching sessions based on topics of the teen’s choice, which may include the topics of leadership development curriculum, to be used over a period of six (6) months.

    • A choice of 5-8 leadership development/self-development topics for learning:

      • Leadership strengths & gaps

      • Removing barriers to success

      • Productivity

      • High energy relationships

      • Emotional intelligence

      • Dynamic communication

      • Health & wellness

      • Time management/Balance

      • Influencing others

      • Problem solving


Contact Lisa for individual and district pricing.

Literacy & Instructional Coaching 

What are your priorities for your literacy and instructional coaches? How can I support your vision?


This package includes programming for new and veteran literacy & instructional coaches, and will best fit a district that is seeking coaching training and/or cohesion and alignment with district or building goals. It is customizable, based on your needs and vision, and it is designed to take place over a nine (9) month academic year, or it could occur within a twelve (12) month year. Whether you want a refresh for veteran coaches, or foundational learning for new coaches, I can customize the learning experience for your coaches...wherever they are on their journeys.


This package includes:


  • Developing coaches to align with the district vision, based on:

    • Coaching standards

    • Coaching approaches

    • Accountability

  • Partnering with the principal

  • Establishing district/building needs

  • Establishing coaching priorities

  • Establishing and monitoring coaching cycles

  • Holding difficult conversations

  • Planning for self-initiated professional learning

  • Dynamic Leadership Coaching (1:1) with the Energy Leadership Index, an assessment of energy and how that energy is working for (and possibly against) your coaches.



Contact Lisa for individual and district pricing.

Success Coaching for New & Seasoned Teachers

This package is best suited for new teachers (1-3 years) or teachers new to your district, but not in their first three years of teaching.


This package includes:


  • Energy, instructional, and literacy coaching to empower through the transition into the system.


  • Ten (10) 45 minute-long sessions to be used over a ten (10) month period, giving us a session before the academic year begins, during (as an extra session), or at the conclusion of the year.


Add-on Option: ELI. The ELI is an assessment of energy--how it is working for and maybe against you, and how that looks different from day-day-day and when you are experiencing stress.


Contact Lisa for individual and district pricing.

Advancing Equity Coaching

As you consider leading your staff in this work, or have been leading your staff in this work, what have you noticed about the energy: your own, and the energy of others? 


  • What’s the energy around digging deep into personal belief systems? Identities? Exploring biases?


  • What’s the energy around the LGBTQIA-based conversations you are holding? 


  • How might a coach support individuals to approach the equity work with an open mind?


Coaching packages can be customized, but could include:


  • Whole group learning sessions around energy.


  • Energy coaching for individuals to build awareness around the topics and issues related to the equity work.


  • Ten (10) 45 minute-long sessions to be used over a nine (9) month academic year period.


Contact Lisa for individual and district pricing.

Leadership & Energy Coaching
Coaching for Teens
Literacy & Instructional Coaching
Success Coaching for Teachers
Advancing Equity Coaching
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